Full Z80 Opcode List Including Undocumented Opcodes =================================================== mdfs.net/Docs.Comp.Z80.Z80OpList - Update: 0.12 Author: J.G.Harston - Date: 15-04-1998 # = not on 8080 nn nn DD nn CB nn FD CB dd nn ED nn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00 NOP - RLC B rlc (iy+d),b - 01 LD BC,&0000 - RLC C rlc (iy+d),c - 02 LD (BC),A - RLC D rlc (iy+d),d - 03 INC BC - RLC E rlc (iy+d),e - 04 INC B - RLC H rlc (iy+d),h - 05 DEC B - RLC L rlc (iy+d),l - 06 LD B,&00 - RLC (HL) rlc (IY+d) - 07 RLCA - RLC A rlc (iy+d),a - 08#EX AF,AF' - RRC B rrc (iy+d),b - 09 ADD HL,BC ADD IX,BC RRC C rrc (iy+d),c - 0A LD A,(BC) - RRC D rrc (iy+d),d - 0B DEC BC - RRC E rrc (iy+d),e - 0C INC C - RRC H rrc (iy+d),h - 0D DEC C - RRC L rrc (iy+d),l - 0E LD C,&00 - RRC (HL) rrc (IY+d) - 0F RRCA - RRC A rrc (iy+d),a - 10#DJNZ disp - RL B rl (iy+d),b - 11 LD DE,&0000 - RL C rl (iy+d),c - 12 LD (DE),A - RL D rl (iy+d),d - 13 INC DE - RL E rl (iy+d),e - 14 INC D - RL H rl (iy+d),h - 15 DEC D - RL L rl (iy+d),l - 16 LD D,&00 - RL (HL) RL (IY+d) - 17 RLA - RL A rl (iy+d),a - 18#JR disp - RR B rr (iy+d),b - 19 ADD HL,DE ADD IX,DE RR C rr (iy+d),c - 1A LD A,(DE) - RR D rr (iy+d),d - 1B DEC DE - RR E rr (iy+d),e - 1C INC E - RR H rr (iy+d),h - 1D DEC E - RR L rr (iy+d),l - 1E LD E,&00 - RR (HL) RR (IY+d) - 1F RRA - RR A rr (iy+d),a - 20#JR NZ,disp - SLA B sla (iy+d),b - 21 LD HL,&0000 LD IX,&0000 SLA C sla (iy+d),c - 22 LD (&0000),HL LD (&0000),IX SLA D sla (iy+d),d - 23 INC HL INC IX SLA E sla (iy+d),e - 24 INC H INC IXH SLA H sla (iy+d),h - 25 DEC H DEC IXH SLA L sla (iy+d),l - 26 LD H,&00 LD IXH,&00 SLA (HL) SLA (IY+d) - 27 DAA - SLA A sla (iy+d),a - 28#JR Z,disp - SRA B sra (iy+d),b - 29 ADD HL,HL ADD IX,IX SRA C sra (iy+d),c - 2A LD HL,(&0000) LD IX,(&0000) SRA D sra (iy+d),d - 2B DEC HL DEC IX SRA E sra (iy+d),e - 2C INC L INC IXL SRA H sra (iy+d),h - 2D DEC L DEC IXL SRA L sra (iy+d),l - 2E LD L,&00 LD IXL,&00 SRA (HL) SRA (IY+d) - 2F CPL - SRA A sra (iy+d),a - 30#JR NC,disp - sls b sls (iy+d),b - 31 LD SP,&0000 - sls c sls (iy+d),c - 32 LD (&0000),A - sls d sls (iy+d),d - 33 INC SP - sls e sls (iy+d),e - 34 INC (HL) INC (IX+d) sls h sls (iy+d),h - 35 DEC (HL) DEC (IX+d) sls l sls (iy+d),l - 36 LD (HL),&00 LD (IX+d),&00 sls (hl) sls (iy+d) - 37 SCF - sls a sls (iy+d),a - 38#JR C,disp - SRL B srl (iy+d),b - 39 ADD HL,SP ADD IX,SP SRL C srl (iy+d),c - 3A LD A,(&0000) - SRL D srl (iy+d),d - 3B DEC SP - SRL E srl (iy+d),e - 3C INC A - SRL H srl (iy+d),h - 3D DEC A - SRL L srl (iy+d),l - 3E LD A,&00 - SRL (HL) SRL (IY+d) - 3F CCF - SRL A srl (iy+d),a - 40 LD B,B - BIT 0,B bit 0,(iy+d) IN B,(C) 41 LD B,C - BIT 0,C bit 0,(iy+d) OUT (C),B 42 LD B,D - BIT 0,D bit 0,(iy+d) SBC HL,BC 43 LD B,E - BIT 0,E bit 0,(iy+d) LD (&0000),BC 44 LD B,H LD B,IXH BIT 0,H bit 0,(iy+d) NEG 45 LD B,L LD B,IXL BIT 0,L bit 0,(iy+d) RETN 46 LD B,(HL) LD B,(IX+d) BIT 0,(HL) BIT 0,(IY+d) IM 0 47 LD B,A - BIT 0,A bit 0,(iy+d) LD I,A 48 LD C,B - BIT 1,B bit 1,(iy+d) IN C,(C) 49 LD C,C - BIT 1,C bit 1,(iy+d) OUT (C),C 4A LD C,D - BIT 1,D bit 1,(iy+d) ADC HL,BC 4B LD C,E - BIT 1,E bit 1,(iy+d) LD BC,(&0000) 4C LD C,H LD C,IXH BIT 1,H bit 1,(iy+d) neg 4D LD C,L LD C,IXL BIT 1,L bit 1,(iy+d) RETI 4E LD C,(HL) LD C,(IX+d) BIT 1,(HL) BIT 1,(IY+d) im 0 4F LD C,A - BIT 1,A bit 1,(iy+d) LD R,A 50 LD D,B - BIT 2,B bit 2,(iy+d) IN D,(C) 51 LD D,C - BIT 2,C bit 2,(iy+d) OUT (C),D 52 LD D,D - BIT 2,D bit 2,(iy+d) SBC HL,DE 53 LD D,E - BIT 2,E bit 2,(iy+d) LD (&0000),DE 54 LD D,H LD D,IXH BIT 2,H bit 2,(iy+d) neg 55 LD D,L LD D,IXL BIT 2,L bit 2,(iy+d) retn 56 LD D,(HL) LD D,(IX+d) BIT 2,(HL) BIT 2,(IY+d) IM 1 57 LD D,A - BIT 2,A bit 2,(iy+d) LD A,I 58 LD E,B - BIT 3,B bit 3,(iy+d) IN E,(C) 59 LD E,C - BIT 3,C bit 3,(iy+d) OUT (C),E 5A LD E,D - BIT 3,D bit 3,(iy+d) ADC HL,DE 5B LD E,E - BIT 3,E bit 3,(iy+d) LD DE,(&0000) 5C LD E,H LD E,IXH BIT 3,H bit 3,(iy+d) neg 5D LD E,L LD E,IXL BIT 3,L bit 3,(iy+d) retn 5E LD E,(HL) LD E,(IX+d) BIT 3,(HL) BIT 3,(IY+d) IM 2 5F LD E,A - BIT 3,A bit 3,(iy+d) LD A,R 60 LD H,B LD IXH,B BIT 4,B bit 4,(iy+d) IN H,(C) 61 LD H,C LD IXH,C BIT 4,C bit 4,(iy+d) OUT (C),H 62 LD H,D LD IXH,D BIT 4,D bit 4,(iy+d) SBC HL,HL 63 LD H,E LD IXH,E BIT 4,E bit 4,(iy+d) LD (&0000),HL 64 LD H,H LD IXH,IXH BIT 4,H bit 4,(iy+d) neg 65 LD H,L LD IXH,IXL BIT 4,L bit 4,(iy+d) retn 66 LD H,(HL) LD H,(IX+d) BIT 4,(HL) BIT 4,(IY+d) im 0 67 LD H,A LD IXH,A BIT 4,A bit 4,(iy+d) RRD 68 LD L,B LD IXL,B BIT 5,B bit 5,(iy+d) IN L,(C) 69 LD L,C LD IXL,C BIT 5,C bit 5,(iy+d) OUT (C),L 6A LD L,D LD IXL,D BIT 5,D bit 5,(iy+d) ADC HL,HL 6B LD L,E LD IXL,E BIT 5,E bit 5,(iy+d) LD HL,(&0000) 6C LD L,H LD IXL,IXH BIT 5,H bit 5,(iy+d) neg 6D LD L,L LD IXL,IXL BIT 5,L bit 5,(iy+d) retn 6E LD L,(HL) LD L,(IX+d) BIT 5,(HL) BIT 5,(IY+d) im 0 6F LD L,A LD IXL,A BIT 5,A bit 5,(iy+d) RLD 70 LD (HL),B LD (IX+d),B BIT 6,B bit 6,(iy+d) IN F,(C) 71 LD (HL),C LD (IX+d),C BIT 6,C bit 6,(iy+d) OUT (C),F 72 LD (HL),D LD (IX+d),D BIT 6,D bit 6,(iy+d) SBC HL,SP 73 LD (HL),E LD (IX+d),E BIT 6,E bit 6,(iy+d) LD (&0000),SP 74 LD (HL),H LD (IX+d),H BIT 6,H bit 6,(iy+d) neg 75 LD (HL),L LD (IX+d),L BIT 6,L bit 6,(iy+d) retn 76 HALT - BIT 6,(HL) BIT 6,(IY+d) im 1 77 LD (HL),A LD (IX+d),A BIT 6,A bit 6,(iy+d) ld i,i 78 LD A,B - BIT 7,B bit 7,(iy+d) IN A,(C) 79 LD A,C - BIT 7,C bit 7,(iy+d) OUT (C),A 7A LD A,D - BIT 7,D bit 7,(iy+d) ADC HL,SP 7B LD A,E - BIT 7,E bit 7,(iy+d) LD SP,(&0000) 7C LD A,H LD A,IXH BIT 7,H bit 7,(iy+d) neg 7D LD A,L LD A,IXL BIT 7,L bit 7,(iy+d) retn 7E LD A,(HL) LD A,(IX+d) BIT 7,(HL) BIT 7,(IY+d) im 2 7F LD A,A - BIT 7,A bit 7,(iy+d) ld r,r 80 ADD A,B - RES 0,B res 0,(iy+d),b - 81 ADD A,C - RES 0,C res 0,(iy+d),c - 82 ADD A,D - RES 0,D res 0,(iy+d),d - 83 ADD A,E - RES 0,E res 0,(iy+d),e - 84 ADD A,H ADD A,IXH RES 0,H res 0,(iy+d),h - 85 ADD A,L ADD A,IXL RES 0,L res 0,(iy+d),l - 86 ADD A,(HL) ADD A,(IX+d) RES 0,(HL) RES 0,(IY+d) - 87 ADD A,A - RES 0,A res 0,(iy+d),a - 88 ADC A,B - RES 1,B res 1,(iy+d),b - 89 ADC A,C - RES 1,C res 1,(iy+d),c - 8A ADC A,D - RES 1,D res 1,(iy+d),d - 8B ADC A,E - RES 1,E res 1,(iy+d),e - 8C ADC A,H ADC A,IXH RES 1,H res 1,(iy+d),h - 8D ADC A,L ADC A,IXL RES 1,L res 1,(iy+d),l - 8E ADC A,(HL) ADC A,(IX+d) RES 1,(HL) RES 1,(IY+d) - 8F ADC A,A - RES 1,A res 1,(iy+d),a - 90 SUB A,B - RES 2,B res 2,(iy+d),b - 91 SUB A,C - RES 2,C res 2,(iy+d),c - 92 SUB A,D - RES 2,D res 2,(iy+d),d - 93 SUB A,E - RES 2,E res 2,(iy+d),e - 94 SUB A,H SUB A,IXH RES 2,H res 2,(iy+d),h - 95 SUB A,L SUB A,IXL RES 2,L res 2,(iy+d),l - 96 SUB A,(HL) SUB A,(IX+d) RES 2,(HL) RES 2,(IY+d) - 97 SUB A,A - RES 2,A res 2,(iy+d),a - 98 SBC A,B - RES 3,B res 3,(iy+d),b - 99 SBC A,C - RES 3,C res 3,(iy+d),c - 9A SBC A,D - RES 3,D res 3,(iy+d),d - 9B SBC A,E - RES 3,E res 3,(iy+d),e - 9C SBC A,H SBC A,IXH RES 3,H res 3,(iy+d),h - 9D SBC A,L SBC A,IXL RES 3,L res 3,(iy+d),l - 9E SBC A,(HL) SBC A,(IX+d) RES 3,(HL) RES 3,(IY+d) - 9F SBC A,A - RES 3,A res 3,(iy+d),a - A0 AND B - RES 4,B res 4,(iy+d),b LDI A1 AND C - RES 4,C res 4,(iy+d),c CPI A2 AND D - RES 4,D res 4,(iy+d),d INI A3 AND E - RES 4,E res 4,(iy+d),e OTI A4 AND H AND IXH RES 4,H res 4,(iy+d),h - A5 AND L AND IXL RES 4,L res 4,(iy+d),l - A6 AND (HL) AND (IX+d) RES 4,(HL) RES 4,(IY+d) - A7 AND A - RES 4,A res 4,(iy+d),a - A8 XOR B - RES 5,B res 5,(iy+d),b LDD A9 XOR C - RES 5,C res 5,(iy+d),c CPD AA XOR D - RES 5,D res 5,(iy+d),d IND AB XOR E - RES 5,E res 5,(iy+d),e OTD AC XOR H XOR IXH RES 5,H res 5,(iy+d),h - AD XOR L XOR IXL RES 5,L res 5,(iy+d),l - AE XOR (HL) XOR (IX+d) RES 5,(HL) RES 5,(IY+d) - AF XOR A - RES 5,A res 5,(iy+d),a - B0 OR B - RES 6,B res 6,(iy+d),b LDIR B1 OR C - RES 6,C res 6,(iy+d),c CPIR B2 OR D - RES 6,D res 6,(iy+d),d INIR B3 OR E - RES 6,E res 6,(iy+d),e OTIR B4 OR H OR IXH RES 6,H res 6,(iy+d),h - B5 OR L OR IXL RES 6,L res 6,(iy+d),l - B6 OR (HL) OR (IX+d) RES 6,(HL) RES 6,(IY+d) - B7 OR A - RES 6,A res 6,(iy+d),a - B8 CP B - RES 7,B res 7,(iy+d),b LDDR B9 CP C - RES 7,C res 7,(iy+d),c CPDR BA CP D - RES 7,D res 7,(iy+d),d INDR BB CP E - RES 7,E res 7,(iy+d),e OTDR BC CP H CP IXH RES 7,H res 7,(iy+d),h - BD CP L CP IXL RES 7,L res 7,(iy+d),l - BE CP (HL) CP (IX+d) RES 7,(HL) RES 7,(IY+d) - BF CP A - RES 7,A res 7,(iy+d),a - C0 RET NZ - SET 0,B set 0,(iy+d),b - C1 POP BC - SET 0,C set 0,(iy+d),c - C2 JP NZ,&0000 - SET 0,D set 0,(iy+d),d - C3 JP &0000 - SET 0,E set 0,(iy+d),e - C4 CALL NZ,&0000 - SET 0,H set 0,(iy+d),h - C5 PUSH BC - SET 0,L set 0,(iy+d),l - C6 ADD A,&00 - SET 0,(HL) SET 0,(IY+d) - C7 RST &00 - SET 0,A set 0,(iy+d),a - C8 RET Z - SET 1,B set 1,(iy+d),b - C9 RET - SET 1,C set 1,(iy+d),c - CA JP Z,&0000 - SET 1,D set 1,(iy+d),d - CB#**** CB **** - SET 1,E set 1,(iy+d),e - CC CALL Z,&0000 - SET 1,H set 1,(iy+d),h - CD CALL &0000 - SET 1,L set 1,(iy+d),l - CE ADC A,&00 - SET 1,(HL) SET 1,(IY+d) - CF RST &08 - SET 1,A set 1,(iy+d),a - D0 RET NC - SET 2,B set 2,(iy+d),b - D1 POP DE - SET 2,C set 2,(iy+d),c - D2 JP NC,&0000 - SET 2,D set 2,(iy+d),d - D3 OUT (&00),A - SET 2,E set 2,(iy+d),e - D4 CALL NC,&0000 - SET 2,H set 2,(iy+d),h - D5 PUSH DE - SET 2,L set 2,(iy+d),l - D6 SUB A,&00 - SET 2,(HL) SET 2,(IY+d) - D7 RST &10 - SET 2,A set 2,(iy+d),a - D8 RET C - SET 3,B set 3,(iy+d),b - D9#EXX - SET 3,C set 3,(iy+d),c - DA JP C,&0000 - SET 3,D set 3,(iy+d),d - DB IN A,(&00) - SET 3,E set 3,(iy+d),e - DC CALL C,&0000 - SET 3,H set 3,(iy+d),h - DD#**** DD **** - SET 3,L set 3,(iy+d),l - DE SBC A,&00 - SET 3,(HL) SET 3,(IY+d) - DF RST &18 - SET 3,A set 3,(iy+d),a - E0 RET PO - SET 4,B set 4,(iy+d),b - E1 POP HL POP IX SET 4,C set 4,(iy+d),c - E2 JP PO,&0000 - SET 4,D set 4,(iy+d),d - E3 EX (SP),HL EX (SP),IX SET 4,E set 4,(iy+d),e - E4 CALL PO,&0000 - SET 4,H set 4,(iy+d),h - E5 PUSH HL PUSH IX SET 4,L set 4,(iy+d),l - E6 AND &00 - SET 4,(HL) SET 4,(IY+d) - E7 RST &20 - SET 4,A set 4,(iy+d),a - E8 RET PE - SET 5,B set 5,(iy+d),b - E9 JP (HL) JP (IX) SET 5,C set 5,(iy+d),c - EA JP PE,&0000 - SET 5,D set 5,(iy+d),d - EB EX DE,HL - SET 5,E set 5,(iy+d),e - EC CALL PE,&0000 - SET 5,H set 5,(iy+d),h - ED#**** ED **** - SET 5,L set 5,(iy+d),l - EE XOR &00 - SET 5,(HL) SET 5,(IY+d) - EF RST &28 - SET 5,A set 5,(iy+d),a - F0 RET P - SET 6,B set 6,(iy+d),b MOS_WRINF F1 POP AF - SET 6,C set 6,(iy+d),c MOS_RDINF F2 JP P,&0000 - SET 6,D set 6,(iy+d),d MOS_SYS F3 DI - SET 6,E set 6,(iy+d),e MOS_MISC F4 CALL P,&0000 - SET 6,H set 6,(iy+d),h MOS_FIND F5 PUSH AF - SET 6,L set 6,(iy+d),l MOS_GBPB F6 OR &00 - SET 6,(HL) SET 6,(IY+d) MOS_BPUT F7 RST &30 - SET 6,A set 6,(iy+d),a MOS_BGET F8 RET M - SET 7,B set 7,(iy+d),b MOS_ARGS UNUSED F9 LD SP,HL LD SP,IX SET 7,C set 7,(iy+d),c MOS_FILE Z80_COPY FA JP M,&0000 - SET 7,D set 7,(iy+d),d MOS_RDCH Z80_RDMEM FB EI - SET 7,E set 7,(iy+d),e MOS_WRCH Z80_WRMEM FC CALL M,&0000 - SET 7,H set 7,(iy+d),h MOS_WORD Z80_SERIN FD#**** FD **** - SET 7,L set 7,(iy+d),l MOS_BYTE Z80_SEROUT FE CP &00 - SET 7,(HL) SET 7,(IY+d) MOS_CLI Z80_WRROM FF RST &38 - SET 7,A set 7,(iy+d),a MOS_QUIT Z80_QUIT Unofficial (otherwise known as undocumented) instructions are shown in lower case. Notes on index registers ------------------------ Where DD and IX are mentioned, FD and IY may be substituted and vis versa. If a DD or FD opcode prefixes an instruction that does not use the HL register, then the DD or FD opcode acts as a NOP and the base instruction is executed. For example, DD FF does a RST &38. Notes on Indexed Shift/Bit Operations ------------------------------------- A shift or bit operation on an indexed byte in memory is done by prefixing a CB opcode refering to (HL) with DD or FD to specify (IX+n) or (IY+n). If the CB opcode does not refer to (HL), slightly differing things happen. The majority of Z80 CPUs execute them as shown; the shift or bit operation is done on the indexed byte in memory, and then if the opcode does not specify (HL) originally, the resultant byte is copied into the specified register. This is summarised with this example: CB 0x RLC r FD CB nn 0x RLC (IY+nn),r for x=0..5,7 for r=B,C,D,E,H,L,A Most CPUs allow access to the high and low halves of the index register. In this example, if x is 4 or 5, the operation does RLC IYH or RLC IYH. CB 04 RLC H FD CB nn 04 RLC IYH CB 05 RLC L FD CB nn 05 RLC IYL Some emulation systems treat all the subcodes as accessing the indexed byte and nothing else: CB 0x RLC r FD CB nn 0x RLC (IY+nn) for all x=0..7 Notes on ED opcodes ------------------- The opcodes ED 77 and ED 7F appear to have no effect other than setting the P/V flag according to the interupt status. As such, they appear to be similar to the LD A,I and LD A,R instructions. From the layout of the opcode map, it would seem that ED 77 is LD I,I and ED 7F is LD R,R. Opcodes 00 to 3F and C0 to FF (other than the block instructions) just increment the R register by 2, and act as a two-byte NOP. J.G.Harston's !Z80Tube Z80 CoPro emulator includes the extra opcodes EDF0 to EDFF to interface with the host. G.A.Lunter's Z80 Spectrum emulator includes the extra opcodes EDF8 to EDFF to interface to the host. References ---------- Harston J.G., Investigative research. Harston J.G., Z80Tube documentation. http://mdfs.net/Apps/Emulators/Tube/Z80Tube/ Lunter G.A., Z80 Spectrum emulator documentation. http://mdfs.net/Apps/Emulators/Spectrum/Z80/v304/